Saturday, October 10, 2015

Ode To the Autumn Mist


Oh soft Autumn Mist! Pourer through Summer's dry feast,
Embalming taker of the trees' last spasms
Which, conquer'ng, thou soothe to bedeviled rest

Leaves laved in Earth's sacrificial spectrums:
Of orange and gold and amber-hued red,
Lured to fall by thy vapory anthem

Till, drop by drop, is Summer thus led,
His throne blurred under thy hazel-curved gait
Yearly ripened for him, who helpless sheds

For thee the Sun, the hills, the o're parched weight
Of singed domain. Oh! With softest groans
Is he by thy moistness quenched, yet too late—

Thy feet banish greens to Hades' abode
With withr'ing grace on Persephone's shroud!


Thou dimming bliss! Beyond fidelity's clutch
Do thy dewey hands cull each leaf to feign
It’s stemmed bond from willow, oak and birch

To trade settled life for a dance inflamed!
As if jewel shards flecking the gray seas' churns
Were thought to hover, to forever bane

The colorless tides, alas! They'd sink and learn
Well the seafloor's rhythm, gravity's intent.
Or as sonnets and plays are splashed with words 

In faint rapture of relished events,
So do thy fogged prey gaze from wrinkled nests
And in crinkling sighs throw up lament

Of dances once made in August vest
But no more! Oh grounder, oh darkn'ing Mist!


Hush death, hither life! Soft dealer of time, 
The year's tense labor makes final bravo
From rushed seeds, and incessant pulse of vine,

See the forest's realm 'neath thy haze brought low
Pregnant with these, bearing autumn's crowned mirth:
Apple, wheat, pumpkin, all, emit mellow glow.

If only like these could I ripen new verse,
Make burst on fields of yet unsickled minds! 
Just once mist as thou mist, and cascade the earth,

Layer generations reposed from the grind
Of these dust-founded days. My pen drops mute!
Instead let me thy phantom wanderings find—

There's something mournful in the sweetest fruit,
Birthed only on the dying root.